“Thank you for coming into my closet! I honestly can’t believe what a difference it has made in my life - my mood, my outlook, and my approach to things it has really been profound! (And to think it I resisted doing it for years!) There is something about reclaiming old stuff that is valuable, and getting rid of the excess baggage, that has really helped me move forward on every level. Now I love picking out what I am going to wear, where before I would dread it, or just stumble into the same monochromatic outfit over and over. There is so much abundance in there now, and before I couldn’t seem to find more than 2 or 3 thing I was interested in wearing.
I am really not sure what you did, but for me it has been nothing short of magical. I love having the book of pictures to consult. The real gift you gave me was in opening the door to a world of possibilities I had resisted or forgotten about or was just plain afraid of, and you made it accessible and fun in the bargain. Thank you, Thank you!”
Anne, Southampton MA
“Jennifer revolutionized my closet!!!
I had been holding onto clothes for years that I never wore, and the clutter was discouraging to me. There’s nothing like looking at a stuffed closet and still not know what to wear. Now my closet and bureau drawers are organized and beautiful. Jennifer found some new combinations that hadn’t occurred to me before. The result is a feeling of having new outfits.
Jennifer was very professional and yet fun. I’ve never examined my “look” in such a way before, and I’m so grateful to Jennifer for her kind and expert approach. She made me feel comfortable and as a result I was able to make decisions in an unpressured atmosphere. I’m excited at the way my closet looks now. Jen helped me accessorize as well. Her line of jewelry can be worn in many ways and is quite beautiful. The belt I got from her is fabulous too, and goes with so many outfits. It’s had a positive ripple effect throughout my house as well. I’ve gotten quite a few compliments on my wardrobe these days, which is satisfying. I’m pleased to be a reference for Jen. I’m benefiting every day from her talents. Call Jennifer!”
p.s. Jen also went through my boyfriend’s closet with him. He has said more than once in the past few months how much he enjoys his closet now.
Anne, New York NY